Sunday, March 18, 2018

Marching Around the House

Few Stories and memories around the house lately:
- Ruby was riding in her seat to pre-school, and noticing the sunshine on her for most of the trip, she smiled and told her mom "Mom, the sun is following me!"
- One of the last of these pictures is of Belle sitting in the front seat with me in my Explorer.  She never gets to ride up there, but we went to pick up a basketball goal for the boys and a bicycle for her, and there was no room in the back.  So I told her she could ride up front, we just wouldn't tell her mom.  Then I looked over and she looked so cute, I took her picture and texted it to Magan.  She looked at me and said "Oh no, Mom will get mad".  I completely forgot that it would upset Magan, so I was like "OH NO".  Then Belle starting giggling so much, when I got an immediate text back.  I was driving so I thru the phone over to her, and listened as she half spoke half giggled Magan's response "WHY!!! is she in the front seat??? She's too little".  Then in an act of betrayal, she texted her mom back "Dad did it".  She just kept laughing as her mom replied "ok", then she let her know she was buckled up and relayed my question about if we needed to bring any "souper" home.  Anabelle, if I could have that giggle bottled up, it would be priceless.  I still see that little smile and hear that giggle, and hope these words help me hold onto it forever.  
- Pictures below show Valentines day boxes, Davis' field trip to American Village, Quick trip to Freddy's, Ruby's first puzzle, Anabelle dressed up as Cindy Loo Hoo,  eye makeup, date night, and some ruby daddy days.  

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