Monday, March 26, 2018

Chattanooga Day 2 - HighPoint Climbing

Wow, it seems like we were at Highpoint climbing all day, but this was just the first of our day.  We went to Highpoint when it opened that morning, and while we all loved it, we all left with lots of blisters.  I was mainly there hooking up and hooking off Ruby, who liked to climb to the first foothold, then say "I too scared".  She was pretty cute tho in her little climbing gear.  She also loved climbing on the free climb wall, often leaning her head way back smiling. 
Anabelle did well, but was too scared to get to the top of any of the walls...but she kept pushing herself higher and higher.  We left at lunch to go to Mellow Mushroom, then traveled up to Rock City, but that night we went back to Highpoint for an hour of climbing, and Anabelle had overcome all of her fears...she climbed all the way to the top of a couple of the walls.  I was so proud, but did not bring my camera that night. 
Sam climbed well, and was the most technical forcing himself to only use one color in climbing the walls, so while he was a little slower, he actually mastered the wall as it was instructed to us by the highpoint instructor. 
Now Davis has always been a monkey, and Highpoint further showed evidence of this.  He does not use the color technique, but he can climb fast.  There was not one of those walls that he could not climb, one that I could not even get higher than about 5 foot off the ground...yeah, he made it to the top. 
And I loved this place, but found on the outdoor climbs about 60 feet in the air, that even if strapped in, my heart starts racing at that height.  And mom, we caught her in one picture near the end, she held all our bags and was the photographer for this event. 


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