Thursday, May 10, 2018

Career Day

So I don't have any stories for Career Day, just including to show kids that we were there...we had jobs a K-mart, fell in love, married, she became a teacher then a mom then a photographer...I became an engineer...we had 4 kids, we love them, we participate in Career Day...for about another 7 years.  :)  I guess I will relay that I have fun talking about Uranium and its fission fragments, and use a lot of hand motion...well with all of this movement, my shirt comes untucked, my hair already fros up, and Magan tells Mrs. Cespedes "He does kinda fit the part of a mad scientist".  Oh, and Magan's whoopee cushion from the happy bag steals the show every time.  If I could just make my Uranium marshmallows poot...

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