Friday, May 11, 2018

Funny Days in April/May

Just a few fun stories, then some memories captured in the pictures below:
- Magan said that Ruby had a good prayer the other night where she remembered our church family, people on the prayer list, mentioned Jesus, and her bible class...then as she was closing her prayer, she said "And God, thank you for bacon"...and you know, that is probably something more of us need to put on the list. 
- Magan wanted to remember that after Career Day, Davis gave her a big Bear Hug, not caring about all those other kids.  Don't know how much longer we will get those after they enter junior high.
- Ruby was having some pain in her gums, and Magan took her to one of the ladies at church that used to be a dental hygienist.  Mrs. Denise told Ruby that she was OK, and that she just needed to brush softly for awhile.  Ruby looked up at her and told her "Cards make me feel Better" a few days later Ruby received a card from Mrs. Denise hoping she felt better. 
- I asked Anabelle about if she had any problems being a Country gal around any of those City gals at school (referencing Nellie Oleson from the Little House books).  She just smiled and said, "I'm not either, I am a Neighborhood gal"
- Fun times below when Magan took the kids up to Cullman to see Wyatt play baseball.  I heard that they were a distraction for that cute little guy that just wanted to go play with Ruby and Davis. 
- I love the picture below that Ruby found a "pocket" for her cell phone
- Lots of fun with me and Ruby...her little wonka wonka nose, and my big ole honka honka nose
- Sam earned his 1st class scout rank, Ruby lays out on the front stairs, and the girls try on my old glasses...just some fun days heading into summer. 


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