Saturday, May 19, 2018

Willie Nelson and Friends

You either like him or you don't, but he has written some classic country songs, and he is known all over...Willie Nelson.  Magan and I have had Willie come near us several times, and always something came up that prevented us from seeing him in concert.  But even when it fell on cub scout campout weekend, we finally decided that for our 17th wedding anniversary, we would go see Willie.  And wow, what a performer.  He never has been the best singer, but he can write some songs, and his delivery of those words is unique.  Up there with a minimal band, sister at the piano, and "Trigger" making magic with his fingers...Willie played for about an hour and a half straight.  It was a great he played some from all his friends...Merle, Waylon, Hank, etc... And at 85 years old, it was amazing to hear and watch...even poking fun with my favorite of his new songs "I woke up not Dead Again Today". 
Allison Krauss opened for him, and she was amazing.  She even sang a couple of Willie's tunes, "Angel Flying to Close to the Ground" was awesome.  And we also got a show from a lady in pink in one of the pictures below.  She was obviously either well hydrated with alcohol, or had some of Willie's weed.  But she was in to that music.  Even had her friends spotlighting her with their cell phones to catch for all the world to see her failings at life.  We had a great time, but ran to our car to beat the folks we didn't want to follow in our vehicle.  



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