Saturday, May 19, 2018

Cub Scout Campout (Rickwood Caverns)

Kind of a sad moment, we have been camping with Cub Scout Pack 353 for the last 7 years, but this was our last outing with the boys now in Boy Scouts.  As the assistant cubmaster, and a den leader for the last 6 years, it is also a little sad to no longer lead those silly skits, lead those kids on hikes longer than they expected they could walk, and just watching the boys play and have fun together.  Boy Scouts is a whole new adventure, but now we just sit back and hope we did a good job with them in cub scouts. 

Sam is one of the best at lashing in his troop, and the boy scouts put together the flag pole, so they made Sam do all the lashing.  Davis was excited to sleep in a hammock on this trip, and I did not have any time to help him.  He said "I know dad, but I can do it".  And so he did.  And probably much better than with this old dad helping.  Those boys have already gotten many skills that I seem to just be afraid of, but they have no issues.  Can't wait to see what these guys do next.

The girls found them some friends at the campout and had just as much fun as the boys.  Ruby was excited to show all the other girls her "Uh-Ton".  Anabelle found her a buddy that did not want to see her go.  We could only spend one night in the tents, as Magan and I were going to see Willie Nelson the next night.  Granny and Granddaddy came down with Wyatt to tour the cave and eat lunch with us.  I loved seeing Ruby and Wyatt when they saw each other from 30 yards away...they took off and ran into a full on embrace.  Wish I would have had my video going, but I did catch a picture at the end. 

The kids had fun with some geocaching, and I hope they can start that with their families like we have every once and awhile.  Magan and I returned to camp on Sunday morning and I provided a lesson on spiritual geocaching...and I think the kids liked it.  Oh well, loved my time with those cub scouts. 

Magan...if you are reading this, that yellow air mattress that I bought for camping is amazing.  Inside joke...but I seriously love that thing, and have slept like a baby since I purchased it.  If you are going to sleep on the ground, don't, just buy that air mattress.  

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