Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sam turns 13

Ok Sam, you don't ever read these blogs, but perhaps one day you will. and your mom forgot about your birthday until we both read it on the church bulletin the Sunday before, and that is just not acceptable.  But you see how we planned this amazing trip to Mama Goldbergs, and your mom hit Amazon 2 day shipping early Monday morning...and wahlah...we were ready.  Even tho we butt heads a bit, probably because we are much the same, I love the guy you are at 13, and looking forward and probably upward to the guy you will be as you get older.  
Ha, and remember that you did pick Tazikis this night, and they had a power outage, and the room was so smokey we couldn't even walk into the restaurant...but I am pretty sure at least me and Davis and you were happy for Mama Goldbergs.  Looking forward to your late birthday trip to Six Flags in June.  Love you man, Dad.  

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