Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Chattanooga Day 1 - Choo Choo

A friend of mine called and asked if I could come up to TVA and help them out with an quick reply was "Can you wait about a week and a half till my kids are out of school"...and so we got a fun end of school year vacation.  Sam and Davis and I had worked in the yard the previous Saturday, and we did not see any poison ivy or oak, but we think we may have found a new friend in poison sumac.  Anyway, you will see from some of the pictures below, that it found about all of Sam.  Even now weeks later, he is still recovering, but on this trip, it was a SEVERE reaction.  He was oozing everywhere.  Gross, poor guy tho, we found some cream tho (Zanfel) that worked wonders and tried it up very quickly. 
We now have 4 headphones for the car and it makes it nice to have them watching something in the back, while we can actually listen to what we want up front.  There are a couple of other pictures of Ruby from that first day in our hotel room, she just is too cute and found her own little special places to put on her shoes, and found her own way to wash her hands.  We got to Chattanooga at noon on the first day, and after checking in the hotel, Magan and the kids rode the bus with me, dropping me off at TVA, while they went on to the Chattanooga Choo Choo area.  Lots of fun for them that day, and I met them at Mellow Mushroom for supper.  And their immediate desire was to go swimming after that.  Fun first day in one of our favorite places to visit.  

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