Friday, June 1, 2018

Chattanooga Day 3 - Aquarium and Zoo

Having just come to the Aquarium in March, I told Magan to just go to the more fun aquarium with Ocean animals.  And the kids had another good time here, probably the most fun is always the butterflies.  Ruby was excited to tell me that she handed one butterfly to another little girl that told her thank you, then she told her "you are welcome".  She loves sharing her pleasantries she has learned at pre-school.  :)  Of course, Davis found the scuba diver in the aquarium as well.  This is now his plan to attend UTChattanooga and figure out a way to be a scuba diver at the aquarium in his spare time.  Before meeting me for lunch at Sticky Fingers, the kids had a Moon Pie shake at the Moon Pie store. 
We had some surprisingly good weather given rainy forecasts, so we decided to venture out to Chattazooga...a small little zoo they have in town.  Definitely a small zoo, but laid out really well, with some good exhibits.  As we were walking to one of the areas, Davis saw some chickens running around and asked "Can I go grab a chicken?"  I have seen Rocky before, and I know that Davis just likes to try stuff that I would NEVER do, so I just said OK.  Then, to I think all of our surprise, he chased down a chicken, grabbed it, and starting showing it to other zoo visitors that wanted to pet it.  That boy and his animals.  And as we left I had a funny moment with the boys...the girls were in the restrooms, and I noticed that the monkey statue in the front of the zoo was anatomically I walked up to them and said "You guys seen the huge balls on that monkey yet?"  I think Davis was  about to bust a gut laughing, even Sam thought it was funny (last picture below).  Anyway, that was the last of our quick trip to Chattanooga. 


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