Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Six Flags

What a great trip with my boys...for those keeping up, our adventure included the following rides in order...Mindbender, Mindbender, Daredevil, Batman, Batman, Blue hawk, Blue hawk, Scream machine, Superman, Superman, Lunch, Metropolis battle, Twisted cyclone, Scorcher, Goliath, Goliath, Goliath, Twisted cyclone, Scorcher, Goliath, Thunder river, Thunder river, Goliath, Log ride, Twisted cyclone. 
So as you can see Six Flags on a Tuesday in June is empty...and we could ride anything we wanted with NO WAIT.  It was amazing.  We arrived well before opening and were one of the first ones into the park.  We were a little disappointed as we ran directly to the Batman ride, only to find it was not yet open.  But we rode it later on the front row...with yes, no line.  Davis struggled to get the nerve on Daredevil and Goliath, but after a quick bit of terror, found that he loved these rides. 
Sam was excited that he actually won the shooting game below, and thunder river was fun to get wet on as that is usually one we always skip.  This was Sam's 13 year old birthday present and glad we got to make it...even tho I am pretty sure I blacked out on the Goliath a couple of times.  


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