Saturday, June 2, 2018

Day at Taneyhill

Magan had a photography session at Taneyhill, so we tagged along to do some geocaching and visit the Gem Festival.  Not much to say about the Gem Festival, but there were some cool rocks for the kids to look at...and apparently there are a lot of people that buy these rocks.  I don't see the attraction, but did spend $10 bucks on a geode that was broken for the kids.  That seemed to be the highlight of that section of our journey. 
Now the geocaching was pretty fun and we found all but one of the caches we searched for.  One cache near the log cabin below was hidden by a man that proposed to his wife at that location 10,000 days prior.  The geocache information and story was pretty cool and sweet about an older man that had finally found that special bride.  Well we also found his cache and added our names to it.  It was hidden in the floorboard right at the corner where Sam has his hand.  We searched for another right near the steel museum for a LONG time, finally finding it under a rock that was buried in pine straw. 
After our geocache hunting we saw Mom in the distance on her photoshoot, but kept walking to get us some ice cream.  We all got our own treats 5 minutes prior to close, so our timing worked out well.  The only other thing I remember of this day was seeing Granny...or Granny's double...riding Granny's bike...or Granny's double bike...thru the campground.  We actually had to call Granny to make sure they were not down at Taneyhill.  Weird...

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