Saturday, June 23, 2018

Happy Number 80 to a Wonderful Lady

Happy Birthday to Maw Maw!  We had a great weekend with the family spending the night at Granny's in preparation for a really fun birthday celebration.  Friday night Magan and I stayed at Granny's but all the kids stayed with Katie and Mark...and they had a massive crew watching the Black Panther.  Fun getting to see all the family rarely seen anymore. 
And I love the picture Katie caught of me and my bride smiling.  Weird that those scenes are so frequent, yet rarely captured.  That has been my goal in life is to make one pretty lady smile, and when she does, it is all I need.  Probably is that now I have two other gals with competing each one. 
At engle park with the kids while Magan was prepping for the party, the kids had a blast on this really cool playground.  And I also ran into an old college buddy, Julie Butler.  Really neat to catch up with her for a bit.  After the park, I took the kids to mcdonalds for some ice cream.  Everyone had some really good milkstaches. 
At MawMaw's party, we had a great time visiting with random Aunt Sue's or Neighbor Billy's.  We made a love quilt for Maw Maw with messages.  And then shared our presents with her and Granddaddy. 



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