Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Day at Oak Mountain

So we had a day all together, and it was a beautiful we decided to load up and go to Oak Mountain.  We first stopped by Subway for our lazy man's picnic and then went up to Peavine Falls to begin our day.  Mom had never been down to the falls, so we went down the long way, and later came back the shorter steeper way.  The falls were coming down pretty good from some recent rain.  I think we all enjoyed listening to the falls as we ate our picnic lunch. 
Next we went geocaching, and I really thought we were not going to make it for a while with Magan and Anabelle.  They need some more hiking prep, as I think at one point they were crawling to the top of the hill.  But once we finally made it to the top of the hill, it wasn't bad coming back.  The kids found 3 geocaches, and with each one, we heard squeals of delight from Ruby.  She loved getting to pull some new treasure and add treasure to the caches.  She got a new purple pen as her favorite of the treasures. 
After we completed about 1.5 miles of geocaching, the girls went to the playground, while me and the boys went riding around the 3 mile lake loop on our bikes.  There was one large downhill slope that I watched in amazement and fear as Sam rode down fast, not even trying to stop.  He slid at the bottom sideways and bounced off of the wall at the bottom, and I watched him catch himself on the wall, and keep pedaling.  It was pretty crazy cool, but I warned him when we finally stopped at the dam that he was going too fast.  He said, Yeah, I know, my brakes are out.  And sure enough, he had NO BRAKES...AT ALL...haha.  I guess he figured I wouldn't have let him go if he told me.  But we were only half way done, so we had to finish.  I watched him take one more extra hills because he couldn't stop, but he never wrecked.  The boys will probably remember me almost choking to death on a gulp of water at the dam...but it was clear that they thought it was much funnier than I did.  It was a great day.  


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