Saturday, November 10, 2018

AHG Veterans Day Event

Magan was the AHG planner for this event, and was more and more anxious as the senior home where this was held kept increasing the size of who all would be there.  But she did great as she always does.  She told me that all the girls did well and were speaking with all of the seniors.  There were many veterans that were given some special flags that the girls had made.  I found a few of the pictures anabelle showed up in, as magan was busy coordinating everything, and we just had to rely on others there taking pictures. 
Anabelle got to lead the flag in and out for the ceremony.  She told me that the flags were a little too big for the room, and when stood up, they just barely fit to the roof.  When I asked her if she remembered anything special from this day, she said she really liked talking to one older lady that told Belle she just loved her little dimple.  The older lady said she wanted one so bad when she was a little girl that she kept poking her cheek with a pencil eraser.  So proud of these girls and their service to others.  

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