Saturday, November 10, 2018

MSU vs. AL Game

Why were we not at the AHG veterans event?  Well for one, we left that morning at 4:45AM towards Tuscaloosa to work the Boy Scout parking lots.  Davis was able to join me and Sam this time, and it was COLD!  I had to coordinate the two crews we had for this morning from our troop so we had to pick up radios at 6:30 AM.  We had to work till 2:30 PM, but then we got into the game for free.  It was really pretty fun, as we stayed in the van for much of the morning staying warm.  We brought a picnic lunch, and I shared college stories with the boys...cracking them up with Dr. Kuo "making the whiskey and the beer" and Dr. Dang teaching Calculus...and one professor having his comeover hair blown backover when trying to get to class one day.  Sometimes being trapped together has its benefits. 
We did bend the rules for some at the parking lot, letting some OBVIOUS foreign students get to the buildings to park and study.  We could tell those guys were not in any way trying to get a good spot for the game, only to study and make the world a better place.  So the lesson to the kids was sometimes you bend the rules a bit and let people in that are not on the list...if they are busy trying to save the world...or need to turn off a bunson burner they left turned on. 
Near lunch we were able to go over to the Ferguson center for a quick break and see Katie, Mark, and Wyatt.  Then later at the game, we ended up finding a seat only about 5 rows behind them, so it was great to visit with them, with a little rivalry between me and Wyatt and our schools.  On the field, there was not much of a game, but the MSU defense held AL to less than 30 points...which is guess is something to be happy about.  Oh well, I guess we are doing this each year for the scout troop, so more AL games now for us. 



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