Thursday, November 8, 2018

Davis goes to PAL

What is Project American Life (PAL)?  In operation since 1996, PAL is a four day, three night outdoor civics and character education field trip for middle school students held at YMCA Hargis Retreat in Chelsea, Alabama.  Students from all over Alabama attend P.A.L. annually. The P.A.L. curriculum has a social studies emphasis, but is an interdisciplinary program which meets standards in a wide range of subject areas.

So Davis went to this and had a really good time.  Magan went one night to assist with the outdoor activity where basically the kids were part of a group in East Germany trying to find their way to the West without being captured.  Magan said it was pretty intense.  Davis met a new friend Ben that was in his bunk, and he learned some new yoyo tricks from him.  Pretty cool program for the Shelby County Schools.  

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