Sunday, November 18, 2018

AHG Bonfire

A little dark for most pictures...but in some MCing for the campfire, I was able to get Magan and some other leaders to show the kids how to use the toilet, which is a fun skit...for me, not so much for Magan and those other leaders I volunteered.  Lots and lots of smores, but one story still makes me laugh as one little girl kept coming up getting smores and after about 4 we cut her off, but she said then that she was cooking for her mom.  After she came back for number 6, we again asked if she had enough...but she answered "no, my mom is pretty hungry".  And sure enough when me and another leader looked over, her momma was downing some smores.  The girls were so excited to wear their coveralls, and it is a rare sight to see them in anything that resembles I now have evidence that they don't always wear a dress.  

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