Sunday, December 2, 2018

Around the House

Just a few stories around the house in November. 

We had recently had one of our Amazon Echo's fail, and had to send it back, but when I did, I also sent the power cable.  Upon return, I had a brand new Echo, with no power cable.  Ruby was confused on why Alexa would not work.  I told her that Alexa had lost her power cable...after she went and investigated, she returned and let me know "No Dad, Alexa lost her plugger". 

And just some of the words Ruby uses are funny to me.  When we opened our new Disney decorative tree...Ruby just smiled and said in approval..."It is SO detailed". 

I should have included this story with the Pre-K thanksgiving performance, but after it was complete, and she was off stage, I asked her if she had fun up there singing.  She said "Yes, but my body was too excited". 

And just this morning after cooking eggs for the family, Belle was the last one up and asked me if I could bring her some eggs in a piece of bread toasted with butter.  I smiled at her and said, "OK, but I haven't had a morning hug and kiss".  She immediately replied "Well, I haven't got my eggs with a piece of bread toasted with butter yet".  haha...and it was no joke, she turned around and walked her sassy butt out of the kitchen. 

Pictures below include a trip to see the Grinch, Ruby visiting daddy at work, More cat in the tree, trip to the zoo with dad, and dad got to prop feet up in the corporate jet.  

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