Saturday, December 15, 2018

Chelsea Christmas Parade

Wow, it was quite different this year, and the first year I have not been in the Christmas Parade with the boys in about 7 years.  Now that the boys are out of cub scouts, they no longer lead the parade.  But Belle was representing us in the parade, with her baton group.  She actually had the choice of twirling the baton or riding with the American Heritage Girls, but about 10 opportunities to twirl to music while marching...well, the choice was pretty easy for her. 

We waited at our usual spot near the train tracks, and then I left the kids to walk with Belle when she went by.  Sam, Davis and Belle got PLENTY of candy, and I think we all remember the one float that was sending a confetti of green suckers into the crowd.  Seriously, I have never seen that much can distributed from one float, and it was all the way thru the whole parade.  We got to see Cousin Eddie, who I think was a local real estate agent, we saw the Christmas chick-fil-a cow, and some random horses get spooked and knock some people over. 

Later that night, the firetrucks driving Santa came thru our neighborhood, but I could not find our camera, so the last picture below is the only one I captured.  Oh well.  Another fun parade. 


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