Saturday, December 29, 2018

Atlanta Day 2 - Stone Mountain Christmas

Wow, look at what a beautiful day...I may have been worried about nothing.  We stayed at the Stone Mountain Inn, so we only had to walk across the street to the park.  And we started off in t-shirts, but with the wind, we quickly decided to walk back across the road and get our pullovers.  We found our favorite picture place on top of the rock...then I looked up to see Ruby posing, so I had to get those pictures, then she wanted to take pictures, so I kept a few of the ones with her little finger in them.  Everyone else went back in pretty quickly due to the wind, but me and Ruby were having fun exploring around. 
This was Stone Mountain Christmas, so they had lots of different characters and shows to enjoy.  We had some excellent timing of things.  Ruby was the last one in to get to see the Gingerbread man, and after watching a Christmas Carol and the girls ran off to see "Bumble" (apparently that is the giant snow monster from Rudolph), while Magan saved us seats for the littlest Christmas tree show.  And we made it back right as the doors were closing. 
Magan also took Ruby to see the Snow Angel that lights the Christmas tree each night.  The angel gave Ruby a bracelet of jingle bells that she kept in her pocket all day long, and at the parade later that night, she brought them out and got the attention of the snow angel as she went by.  Me and the other kids played putt putt while Magan visited the snow angel...where once again she was right on time and the last person let in. 
We had some amazing Cinnamon Bread, amazing fresh caramel apples, hot chocolate, and sung Christmas tunes (Ruby sang the WHOLE WAY) on the train around the mountain.  Magan and the girls got Mother/Daughter necklaces at the gift shop.  And belle kept worrying about that missing Rebeckah.  This may be our 4th or 5th time to stone mountain, and it always delivers.  Always fun for everyone and even with two days we felt a little rushed.  Next time we may all hike up the mountain as a family.  We watched the parade, saw a few more lights, and left heading back home...listening to Eli Gold announce the Tide rolling over Oklahoma.  


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