Friday, December 28, 2018

Atlanta Day 1 - American Girl and Snow Mountain

So I am the vacation planner for the family, and this one was planned well in advance, and I even purchased tickets in advance, then came the week of Christmas, and all that was on the forecast for the weekend afterwards was Rain, Rain, Rain.  So I go into a sort of internal beating up myself for ordering tickets early, then start trying to figure out to get out of our Stone Mountain tickets, then trying to plan for 2 or 3 options for alternate events since the hotel room could not be cancelled.  Magan will remember that it always almost makes me sick to see plans not work out.  I am not good to just "wing it". 
So the first audible was to wake up early during the rain on Friday, and head over to the American Girl store, and let the girls enjoy a meal at the Bistro.  Yeah, that was a good call.  Those girls were just overwhelmed in that store...then getting to eat a meal there, was just over the top.  Sam and Davis immediately found the lego store in the mall, and we let them just hang out and be mall rats while we were in the AG store.  First I waited in line to take Anabelle's girl Rebeccah to the "hospital" to fix her hair.  The beauty salon could not fix the mess that was on Rebeckah's we put on a hospital gown and gave them our address to send Rebeckah back when she was better.  Anabelle was shocked and sad to see her doll lying there and having to leave her.  But they were super nice and asked Belle what movies she liked and what food she liked during her hospital visit, and Belle answered as if that was common knowledge "Disney movies" and "spaghetti". 
At the bistro, it was only the girls, so Magan told me that they LOVED the meal, and Belle kept commenting on how everything was so girly...even pink flags in the cheeseburger.  And they even got cute little desserts with sprinkles on them.  And all was good until little Ruby starting gagging...which is not unnormal (she has a weak stomach on certain texture food), so Magan and I know to immediately get her to a bathroom, yet Magan was trapped between the babies (that yes, sit at the table with the people) and Belle.  But fortunately, she made it all the way to the bathroom, with Ruby in the shotgun position, before Ruby unloaded her dinner into the doorway of the bathroom...making it difficult for others to get out...or in.  But little issues with the dress or shoes...minor pukeage spilt (mainly due to the training in the shotgun position kid hold).  After finally getting back to the table...Magan asked Ruby "Did you eat too much".  She replied "Ummmm...yes, But the sprinkles were SOOO good!" 
After leaving the mall, my worries started to go away, as the rain had completely passed over, and now we had a forecast of only 5% chance of rain for the remainder of the night.  But we were still late to our Snow Mountain slide time at 2PM, so we got to the hotel, and they did not have rooms ready till 4PM.  All delays, and a long wait, but it pushed our snow sledding time to 6PM and ended up being perfect tubing underneath the laser lights.  We began in the snow play area, where Ruby LOVED sliding on the kiddie slopes, while Davis and Belle built some snow castles.  We did not have any waterproof gloves, so the gloves got very wet quickly. 
Then we headed over to the big tubing slopes and I went down with Ruby...down a really big slope...and she just giggled the whole time.  It was great.  The second time, she still laughed, but I think she "hurt her booty", then the third time, she hurt her booty too much to go again.  I felt so bad for her, as only then I found out they had little pads you could put in the bottom of the slide to help little ones.  But she was a brave little one and we talked her into going ONE more time to the family slide where we wanted to get a picture of all of us going down.  It was VERY STEEP, but it really did not take much to get her to try it, because the family slide had a LARGE inflated pad for all to sit on while going down.  I finally felt comfortable soothing her and she was excited and sitting next to me and mom...then I looked across at Davis who was looking down the slope and tearing I just...well I didn't do anything...I just hoped they would send us down quick.  And they did...and everyone laughed and smiled...then we went to get our picture, and the camera was not working on our slope.  Magan was not happy, and Ruby was DONE with those slides...she was ready to go back to the bunny slopes.  Oh well, me and the others did get on the family tube on the right slope for a picture and it is will see that Dave had no issues going down the second time.  And Belle was loving it, she even went down by herself one time backwards. 
We ended the day back in the snow play area for a bit, then went for a late night dinner at Applebees, afraid we were getting shot at during one point...but only the loud Stone Mountain firework show.  Then back to our room where it was a good wait to get, but we had a view of Stone Mountain, and everyone had their own bed.  Sometimes the plans work out better anyway...

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