Saturday, December 15, 2018

Mom's Birthday

I am not very good at remembering birthdays, so at least this year I had a couple of elves that bailed me out and at least put up a few decorations, even adding to the present list by one...they just wrapped up Magan's purse, but at least it was another present.  Magan called me the night before her birthday as she was heading home with the kids and asked if we wanted to go out anywhere...I did not know why we would be going out anywhere till she mentioned birthday.  I quickly said "Happy Birthday Magan" thinking I had missed it, but we were still a day early, and it worked out with my plan to take her out to Mt. Fuji that night anyway. 
The girls made Magan some trinkets out of duct tape, and Ruby helped me pick her out a Unicorn neck massager.  And she got her new I think she had a good birthday.  

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