Sunday, April 28, 2019

AHG Campout at Lake Lurleen

This was another really fun weekend with the AHG Troop 1720 girls.  Our campout was at Lake Lurleen state park in Tuscaloosa, and is where we had previously camped with the boys cub scout pack.  Upon arrival, the girls immediately started making these "fairy houses" and then some of the girls helped me with the flag pole.  Granny and Granddaddy came down to stay also with their RV, and Katie and Wyatt drove down to also camp.  The first night was a little colder, but not too bad at least once I got 4 blankets on Magan.  Ruby stayed in the RV with lots of little smiles about her buddy Wyatt in the bunk beds.  Magan and I went over to the RV in the morning hoping to get some warm food and it worked as we left with bellies full of mickey waffles. 
The next day the campout had a pretty good agenda, as T.K. that worked with me over the phone for the State park was awesome.  She had the local volunteer fire department come by to talk to the kids about fire safety and first aid.  Then after that, she set up a tour of the Nature Center, which included a surprise visit of some baby ducks.  T.K. had obviously put a lot of time and preparation into the nature center tour, and it was GREAT!  The girls all had fun with this morning of our campout. 
After lunch, we all walked down to the playground to begin tie-dying shirts, and learning about knife safety.  During a break in the action, we also included a "Brain Ball" war throwing the little gooey balls at each other across the playground...but then it turned into an attack on me...and I will have to say they looked a little too happy to peg me with those balls. 
Later the girls went fishing (or maybe Belle just played with the worms) while me and Grandaddy cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for the troop.  I learned once again why I am better suited with cooking hamburgers from Granddaddy did most of the work.  But I was very glad he was there...for both the expertise and conversation.  That night after a great dinner, the girls performed skits that they had  written themselves.  Belle was in a really cute skit based on the princess and the frog.  She made a little tophat for herself...because she was a wizard. 
It was a very fun campout.  The second night was much warmer, and I had all the girls in our massive new 10 person tent.  We slept well, and had a short devotional in the morning.  Belle won the "Friendliest to Worms" paper plate award and Ruby won the "Most Colorful Tie-Dye Model".  Can't wait to the next campout...mainly because I am the campout coordinator, so I have to get planned early on.


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