Sam was King Charlemagne as part of his Living History museum, which Magan said was great. My intention was to be there, but I took a puking Ruby to a babysitter thinking it was just nerves, then as I ran back to give her a hug, she was running out to the porch to puke again. So, anyway, it became a daddy ruby day for me, and the pictures and stories from mom and sam.
During the frozen still frame sessions of these living history scenes, the knight in Sam's scene locked his knees and passed out. Sam never moved Magan said. The teacher created several scenes similar to the movie Night at the Museum, and it sounded really cool. Sam worked really hard, writing much of their scripted scenes, and Magan said he was one of the few that spoke loudly for the crowds gathered to watch. It is pretty amazing the things these kids get to do in school, and from what I hear, they all did great. BTW...Ruby was sick for the next few days, but finally got better. Hate when those little ones are sick. She is much like Sam tho, she will let you know when she needs to puke, and doesn't fuss about it much.
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