Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Times

Our Easter family gathering this year was at the Sartins where me and the boys hid the eggs for the girls out in the yard.  Ruby and Belle loved bringing their own eggs that they had decorated, but Ruby did not like when her eggs were broken or cracked...but then she did like peeling them and throwing them to the dogs.  I think I may have fell asleep after the egg hunting because I don't remember much more of this day. 
The next morning was Easter, and the kids had a surprise clue hunt around the house to find the special gifts which ended up being in the back of the van outside.  The clues took them to the blogbooks, to the oven, to the laundry room, and even to Dad's favorite reading spots (toilet...which the kids got that clue way too fast).  Their special present was "Besties" t-shirts from wreck it ralph. The boys got a classic Nintendo mini, and tecmo bowl has become a fun time for me and Davis.  


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