Friday, April 26, 2019

Boy Scout Sipsey Wilderness Backpacking

While me and the girls were playing at Lake Lurleen, the boys were off backpacking in the Sipsey Wilderness in North Alabama.  The first thing I heard from Davis was "I overpacked" apparently 13 miles with his backpack was a little heavy...and we probably didn't have it sized correctly based on one of the pictures below.  Sorry Dave.  Sam and Davis were in different hiking groups, but both groups met in the middle of the hike at night.  Sam got to see the largest tree in Alabama, and got a picture, but I didn't see it, so it is not here. 
I heard that Cole fell into the water at one point as he told everyone he was not aerodynamic.  Davis got the award for having to dig the first hole on the trip.  Brandon told us on the way home, things moved too quickly for him to have time to dig a hole.  And I heard from multiple boys about them stealing Mr. Preston's poptarts when they got back to the truck as they were starving.  

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