Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Six Flags Youth Trip

So we were finally able to schedule a youth trip with the guys from church.  And hopefully this will be the first annual trip.  We took 3 adults and 9 guys in jr/sr high over early in the morning and arrived at Six Flags right at opening.  But we also came on a day it was supposed to rain...and it did that morning almost all morning.  We actually went to the Twisted Cyclone three times to be denied each time because of weather.  But once the rain spells went thru, we ended with almost zero crowds.  Most roller coasters would let us just ride as much as we wanted without even having to leave our seat. 
During one rain storm, we went to ride the log water ride, then thunder river.  And after waiting about 30 minutes to ride thunder river, we found that for the 2nd ride, the line was only about 5 minutes, then we rode 3 more times after that without having to even get out of the raft.  I don't think any one of the 12 of us was dry leaving after ride number 5...and many of us soaking wet.  Luckily most took my advice on the beudreauxs...except for Sam...which made a difficult walk around the park at the end of the day. 
So it wasn't intentional, but we ended up watching a cheesy cowboy show while we ate lunch, and afterwards I forced everyone...even Cole...Cole...Cole...to come up and get in the picture with those guys...I am thinking now we should have put them in the front of the pic so you could even see them. 
Other memories from this day...Jeff telling me that he was not coming as a chaperone...Losing Sage's refillable mug and having to go all the way back to the front... 





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