Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Big Kaboom

Wait...I know me and Sam were here at this event...Oh well, that's what happens while our mom is recovering, dad takes pictures, and they are pretty slim.  Oh, I think there were some fireworks, but we've seen those before, so none made the blog.  The boys just go wherever now, and Belle was super excited for Linley to be back in town after her trip to D.C.  So, me, Ruby and Ansley hit every one of those jumpy houses, then got a giant crème filled cookie from Tees.  And that was fun.  I thought it was so sad at one jumpy house, we waited about 15 minutes for the girls to get in, then they took a wrong turn and left the jumpy house within like 30 seconds.  Ruby's face was so sad...but later we joined that line one more time, and this time I told her to just play in there as long as she wanted, and only take that wrong turn when she was ready to come out....the picture below of her and Ansley behind the blue blow up was just one image of their 20 minute in that area.  :)  

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