Sunday, June 30, 2019

Where did June Go?

This was the month that I was attacked by that shark...It snuck up behind me.  I think I had a post last month about visiting with cousins, and it looks like that continued...the kids also got to see mawmaw...and traveled up to Colby and Melissas for one night, a trip cut short by some high fevers...haha...I love this picture of Ben...I think Sam added the words.  Me and the girls went to go see Alice and Wonderland, which was a free Children's Theatre show at the Galleria.  Magan made it to tophat bbq with the kids if you are wondering why they are smiling so big eating bbq below...yes, she also took a picture of the front of the restaurant, but I elected not to include that here.  The soupy soup shop was open for business much this June.  Me and Magan took the girls to see Aladdin, and they dressed for the occasion.  The Bakers (our Chelsea grandma and granddad) took the kids to Dairy Queen.  And the Kids got to spend some time on the farm at the Vinsants.  Toy Story 4 hit me much worse than the Iron Man revelation at the end of Avengers, those toys seem so real now.  What else...oh yeah, Ruby got me to wear a tie...because she is so stinkin cute!  and the boys are busy this summer with models and metal crafts.  Wow, this was a lot of stuff, I just can't believe I am writing this in much more is happening even as I write...well, not really, right now it is just me and Magan here on our own.  The boys are at FC camp and Marcia is watching the girls.  Everyone has been great this month helping Magan as she recovers from her surgery. 


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