Sunday, September 26, 2021

AHG Activities

 American Heritage Girls has been very busy already this month.  We had our first awards ceremony where the girls earned some program patches.  Anabelle's explorer group worked on Graphic Design with Sarah Beth's mom.  Ruby took a hike with the Tenderhearts working on the Outdoor frontier badge.  

On this hike with the tenderhearts, Magan was surprised at Ruby's resourcefulness.  She had brought snacks for not just her, but also for all of her friends.  And what did she have for before they ate the snacks...hand sanitizer.  They also started getting bit by mosquitos, and again, Ruby had bug spray for everyone.  And after one of the girls starting complaining that she was so thirsty, Ruby looked at Magan, and offered her a bottle of water from her Junior Ranger backback.  

Ruby also has lead the prayer at the opening troop ceremony.  And both girls attended the National day of service with Grace Klein.  Looking forward to the campout in October!  

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