Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tumbling Rock with Family

Ever since my first trip into Tumbling Rock, I have had in my mind a trip to take others and share with them how fun it is to hike deep into this cave.  And I hope this is the first of many trips.  My goal was to get really familiar with the route and be prepared to lead it myself.  Well that did not happen, but at least Sam and Davis can get us to where we want to go.  This trip began fairly well as we were taking the Blueberry (Blue Honda Odyssey) on its first long road trip since a massive amount of work at Express Oil.  The year of 2021 has reeked havoc to our car budget, and a majority has gone into the much loved Blueberry.  

It was driving well, as our plan was to meet up with John and Colby at the field near the cave entrance to camp Friday night.  But around Gadsden, all my engine lights came in, and the engine went into limp mode, which basically allows me to coast down and pull over.  I pulled over, and did my only manly check that I know...Yep, oil level is good.  Cranked it back up, and all was good, no lights, engine running well.  And then it happened again, and again, and again...probably about 6 times on the way up to Scottsboro, but it continued to reset each time I turned the car off and cranked back up again.  But once we got off the interstate, it ran well all the way to the camping field.  

Once we set up camp, John, Colby, and Ben joined us, confused that it was only us in this field.  They had thought that we were coming with the Boy Scout troop, but nope, just 6 Junkins in a small field near a small cave entrance with a padlock.  We all walked over to the cave entrance to feel the 55 degree breeze blowing out, and I think Colby was trying to figure out how he could get the tent to sit right beside the entrance.  We then all sat back to have normal guy conversations that have no real substance, but we know about the latest Marvel Movies, Comedians, or funny farting stories.  

We were happy the next morning that Colby made it still alive without his CPAP, and I got to experience what Shay sees each morning when she wakes up, John and the beautiful eye mask.  Davis forgot his belt, which was fun to see him make one out of paracord, then weave it together into a really nice braid, only then to realize he didn't measure enough to include the braid.  Haha, he made it work though.  

In the cave, Sam led us all the way to the Christmas Tree, Topless Dome, and Tumbling Rock.  We did pretty well, and set up our markers in two locations that helped us not get lost on the way back out.  We did get lost in one place where we completely turned around through a climb in the rocks and started heading out of the cave not even knowing it, until we saw some hands on the side of the cave wall that we had already seen.  Wow, that was crazy, I had absolutely no idea we had turned around.  Later, we came to a steep rockpile drop (Wildcat rock pile) where we ended up going down the wrong tunnel, and came to a dead end.  Haha, I don't think Colby had the best rest the previous night, as I still laugh when I hear him saying in that pitch black cave "OK, Which Way Sam??"  But after looking at the maps and realizing that the maps really don't help any in the cave, we went all the way to the bottom of the pile, and found the patch going forward.  

And finally we made it to the topless dome, which again, I wish I had a picture of Colby AND John's face when we said "Yeah, we are going to climb up that hole in the ceiling that has water running out of it".  Hahaha...but this dome truly is one of the coolest things in the cave.  And after we climbed thru the hole splashing around getting all wet, I think everyone agreed upon the previous sentence.  We had a really good flashlight, so we could see very high in the dome.  Back in the main cave tunnel, we stopped to eat a bite of lunch, and take a pee break.  We also got to witness the amazing levels of urine that are excreted by Colby's children.  This was one of those stories of the previous night, but here we witnessed the pee level over 3 times higher than mine, and almost filling an entire powerade bottle.  You win Ben,  May your hammer and urine flow always be mighty!

We went a small bit further to get to Christmas Tree and Tumbling Rock, and all got pics at Tumbling Rock, which was to be the end of our journey for this day.  We showed or pointed to the next phase of a 100 foot crawl through the sand, and I think we were all ready to head out.  But we had made it, 3 miles deep in the cave, a feat that not many could do, a feat that is worthy of these 6 Junkin men.  We had done what few could ever do...and as we headed out of that cave, proud of these accomplishments, that's when we heard another group coming up and also going towards to the Topless Dome.  There leader was an older gentleman probably 15 years older than me, and following him was what appeared to be his grandchildren...5 and 6 year olds maybe hiking right behind him.  Then the children's parents came up including a pregnant mother sipping tea from a cup and saucer.  Ok, the last part was made up, but it was funny.  So if you hear us tell this tale of manly bravery and we happen to skip the old man and children part, that is ok.  We can remember it however we want.  

We did not get lost on the way out.  But all were happy when we finally walked out that gate.  We had seen more creatures in the cave this time than ever before...salamanders, crickets, spiders.  And it was so great to be able to share this with Ben and Colby and John.  I am looking forward to next time.  All that remained was for us to pack up and head out.  And while the Blueberry did shut off twice on the way home, it reset and got us home safely.  I am thankful for each of these adventures, and hope for many more.  


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