Monday, September 6, 2021

Slip and Slide Day

Well, this event was originally scheduled for July I believe, but the shift worked well as all were healthy and ready to slide.  John made it even wider than last year, and even some new characters to ride down the hill on.  Davis was the only one to get hurt bad when trying to catch a football, he got a little close to the stone bricks at the edge, and got a nasty cut on his back.  

There were a couple of saves of children almost getting hit, and this year it was adults that did not wait till the kids were all the way down.  On the instant replay shown on the facebook video, one of John's girls would have been taken out bad by Granny if not for an amazing grab from Uncle Colby.  So one of these days, whichever girl that was needs to thank him for her life.  

And even Mawmaw got in on the action going down the slide a couple of times.  I think the duck was dead by the end of this day.  Sam was happy to not be covered in Poison Ivy this year.  And I guess the smiles tell the stories, as they are in all of these pictures.  I didn't include Davis' face after hitting the stone...or Wyatts when the soap got in his eyes.  

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