Sunday, August 7, 2022

Mentor Games

 This was our third annual Mentor Games, and this time Jonathan and Elizabeth put together a crazy fun grouping of games that included "How many bubbles can you blow in 1 minute", "butter bean chop stick pick up", ring toss, "ping pong ball bounce into a muffin tin", cornhole, scattergories, disc golf, hidden puzzle message, digging for hidden message in rice, emoji bible stories, and bible Wordle.   Wow, I did not know we could ever get that many games, but it went very well, and all the kids had a blast.   Magan was Linley's mentor.   My mentee was Cohen Dean, but he was unable to make it, so I had Cash Hamilton for the night.   Sam and Rick May played, and Davis and Jeff Hornsby played.   Anabelle helped with Larkyn whose mentor was unable to make it.   

Davis had won the previous two years running, and was able to keep the Bowling Pin trophy in his room, but this year belonged to Sage Baker mentored by Terry Francis.  They sung the traditional Mentor Games "We are the Champions", using mouth whistles.   Davis and Jeff got third place.  I do remember that Magan was almost borderline crazy screaming trying to figure out the Bible Wordle answers.   It was ugly, almost like her borderline crazy screaming at the Mentor gingerbread contest...there seems to be a pattern.  And I cracked up at me and Cash playing the scattergories game, where we rolled a letter J, and had to get names and answers from the Bible.   J is super easy, but I could not think of anything I was thankful for...but I finally came up with Juice.   I then asked the young man Cash, to whom I was a mentor, what he put down..."I put down 'Jesus dying for our sins'".   Boom, he wins, we are promoting him to mentor next year and demoting me.  

Another fun night and fun year for the mentors/mentees.  It takes a break and usually gets started back up around end of October.   Our boys have become connected to so many of the older men at the congregation through this program, and Belle is looking to join in this October as well.  This was my first year as a mentor, and it was fun, but I definitely don't fit the mold like Jeff and Rick have this year, they are awesome.   And Magan says she doesn't do much, but that is only because Linley lives at our house most the time anyway.  

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