Saturday, August 6, 2022

Slip and Slide Day at John's

Always a fun time at John and Shay's on this day.  John had an amazing set of games with nerf guns and all sorts of targets.  Granddaddy was new to the mix this year, almost making it to the back porch one time on his belly.  I loved loved taking Andrew and Bella and Ellie up with the sloth, and pushing them down the slide.   It was very interesting to watch Sam attempt to ride the unicorn, as I think both took turns riding one another on a painful to watch slide down.  Davis set the time record, while also almost slamming his head through multiple folding chairs.  Belle was momma to the little ones often coming down the slide with one or two.   And Ruby made it all the way down on her knees.  Magan and I made it down together on the sloth.  That kiddie pool was a fun place to wash all the grass off after hitting the bottom a few times, and the pool was really really warm towards the end of the day too.  Not much more to say, just a bunch of pictures and a bunch of smiles.  


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