Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Holiday in the Park (Six Flags)

While this was supposed to be the day for the Junkin Family Christmas, with some sickness going around, that got postponed by a week.   So since we had the day after Christmas free, what else do you do but go to Six Flags.   Our plan was to go to Six Flags later in the week, but the weather was supposed to be much colder, and Davis was still with us.   He had to leave for FC winter camp the next day, so it worked out well, that all 6 of us gathered into the van for the trip over to ATL.   

Our adventure began as always on this trip with a stop at ChickFilA at the first place in Georgia.  Strange in that it was a stop for lunch, because Six Flags did not open until 2PM on this day, so we got to sleep in, and...well...it was lunch time there.   And because I do not handle being late very well, I felt we needed to go ahead and eat in the car.   Which worked well for everyone except Magan.   She opened a pack of ChickFilA sauce, then forgot she had opened it (yep, not making this up) and turned it over and spilt it on the console.   So she placed the sauce on her lap (yep, not making this up) so she could clean it up, and after a U-turn (perhaps a little fast, but we were at a light, and had to do a u-turn), the sauce went all over her pants.   

At the park, we were almost the first ones in line, so we did NOT park in the back with the Griswolds, but instead in the very first row, which was GREAT!   It was a bit of a cold day still, I think all of us wanting an extra shirt, and there was a slight drizzle during a part of the day...but this also kept the crowds very low, and helped us ride pretty much anything we wanted to ride.   

I captured a few of the memories, the kids may be able to one day elaborate on this day, but in the end, it was just a great time together.   Ruby wanted the picture below with Tweety and Bugs, but she did not like Daffy.   But unfortunately, she got stuck by Daffy.   I got to sit and watch the Bob Humbug cowboy show with Ruby, and while it is extremely cheesy, it is the better of any of the stage shows at Six Flags.   Sam and Belle thought it was hilarious slamming into me and Davis on the scambler ride (wow, haven't rode this that I remember since the fair in Cullman, pretty good ride still).   Ruby told me later that Davis had to cross his legs in order to fit on the little Mine Train roller coaster.   This was the only coaster Ruby rode on this day, and then the whole family rode Monster Plantation with her, before she went off with Magan to see the shows (and ride the wonderwoman ride!).   I was jealous of Ruby because she and mom got to get pictures with with characters from the Monster Plantation.  I like the classics, and this one is really well done...and I have been looking for six flags merchandise for this ride, but apparently I am the only one.   

We all met back up for a Funnel Cake later in the day and a cinnamon pretzel.   Would you believe Ruby bumped the funnel cake and poured sauce on Magan?   Yep.   Davis and I went on our own for another ride on Batman and Daredevil, giving Davis the win for most rides on this day.   And then we all gathered one last time to ride the train together.   It was then our time to ride Goliath in the dark, which was the pinnacle event of the night, only ruined slightly due to the heavy cloud cover and immense city lights.   I told Magan that we would be to her soon, then realized Davis needed a "bathroom" break, which I guess meant he was going for the full week.   Davis will remember the improper urinal etiquette that he and I experienced in the super narrow slots at one bathroom.   

And on the way out, Ruby got to see the Candy Cane man that was actually that tall.   He looked like he was on stilts.   The tunnel of lights set to music was fun on our way out.   And did I mention it was cold...Both Ruby and Belle got some new long sleeve shirt souvenirs on this day.   And the only thing I remember from the way home was the Arbys stop, where they had sandwiches at 5 for $10, and I treated everyone and got 10 total, but that was not near enough.   Hahaha...it used to be so much easier filling these kids up.   

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