Friday, December 15, 2023

Mom's Birthday

 Merry Birthday to you.   Merry Birthday to you.   Davis did all the streamers this year, altho I did have the alarm set to ensure I got it done the next morning if needed.   He did an amazing job getting her door, then in the kitchen making a large M (He said it was for Mom, I for some reason thought he put it there for Magan), then at her normal seat at the kitchen table, and finally at her normal seat in the living room.   The 43 on the ceiling made him feel like Michaelangelo (Is that the right turtle for this?).   

I am sure her day went well, as she got to leave us and have some Marcia time, visiting all the freebie stops along the way.   That evening, as she was coming home, I caught her in time to get her the dinner I cooked for everyone at Tazikis...and she even got a free piece of Baklava.   The girls helped me pick out the cookie cake, and both were mad that I would not get a normal one.   But tradition is only tradition if you stick to it, there is a process.   So we sung to our sweet Mom.   She opened the present the girls helped me select, and we settled down for dinner ALL together.   That was the real present, Sam had made it home from Alabama for her birthday.   

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