Friday, December 22, 2023

Vulcan Lights with Ms. Lisa

Our family has had many blogs featuring Vulcan, but the more recent ones seem to all have Ms. Lisa.  She has introduced us to many other fun Vulcan events, and the kids always love going with her on new adventures.   I think this year almost didn't happen, but Lisa made a way, and it did!  So thankful for all the fun things she always does with the kids.   So what happened on this trip...Let me find my texts from Lisa...

Apparently there was a Santa at the Vulcan, and you will not find him in the pictures below.   Because he asked Ruby to come over, and she gave him her little smile, but shook her head no.   Lisa was "CRACKED UP" because Ruby told her "that is not the real Santa.   I saw the real one yesterday." [at Bass Pro].   Ruby was not a big fan of this imposter.   

Again from Lisa..."Then, we arrived, as she [Ruby] was looking out at the city she said, 'I like Birmingham, but it does creep me out a littl bit.' lolol.   SAME, Ruby. Same."  

I also love the pictures Lisa captured of little Ruby trying to capture the images with her camera.   And when we all looked at these pictures, we all had to pick on Ms. (Don't know if they are married yet?) Vulcan who seemed to always be staring to the left in the pictures I had.   At least there was no puking this time (Reference 2020).   

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