Sunday, March 10, 2024

A visit with Eloise and CeCi

 I don't have a lot of notes for this fun weekend, but it was busy with lots of visitors.   I remember playing 5 Crowns and after me watching everyone always for them misdealing the cards, Uncle Marcus caught me misdealing.   It really ruined my whole month, because I should never make a dealing mistake, but it happened, and impacted my whole game...I remained in last place that whole night.  And even worse, Marcus won that night.   The boys will remember me saying "Go for the Glory", and for some reason continued to laugh at me for what I thought was something I say all the time, but apparently not.   

Sam was home this weekend, and Brendan came for one night for a Honduras meeting.  The girls loved playing in the bathtub with the glow sticks.  We had fun watching Marcus watching the girls while they "tried to sleep" in the tents downstairs.   In the midst of this weekend, we moved a pool table (HEAVY HEAVY) to Brandon's shop.   And I think this was when Magan read her favorite book "The Giving Tree" to Eloise, then asked if she liked it.   "No" was the genuine reply.  Not much more to say, just a bunch of smiles, and glad we got a visit with Eloise and CeCi.

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