Sunday, March 3, 2024

AHG Daddy Daughter Dance

My dearest Anabelle and Ruby...I love you guys so much, and these nights like this were the best fun times.   The dance floor is so far out of my comfort zone, that I hope when you look at these pictures you will see the love because I was even out there.   I also loved just sitting and watching you both dance together.   Both have different friends, but you chose this night to just hang out together, dance together, and laugh together.   Wonderful fun night!

The theme this year was Dancing through the Decades, and Anabelle was my date, so we went as Ricky and Lucy Ricardo.   Complete with my bongo drum, and Belle complete with the trademark "Oh Ricky" line.   And Granddad went all out this year with the greased back hair and leather jacket, as Danny Zuko with Ruby as Sandy.   

Magan did amazing as usual with the decorations, making all sorts of fun stuff from CDs, 8 tracks, cassette tapes, and records.   And Davis getting there early with Magan was a life saver, and the way he tied the knots for the overhead lights made me realize once again that he is much more handy that I will ever be.   And Magan was a pretty awesome Dolly Parton, and even met up with a shorter Dolly Parton later in the night.   

So what on this night still makes me smile?   Getting to dance with Ruby for "Summer Lovin" and singing in our loudest lip sync voices the final "Summer Niiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhts" down on a knee arms raised.   They played me and the girls favorite song "Million Dreams" right at the end, and we all took turns dancing on the floor, but on all of our minds, we were on the top of that building from Greatest Showman spinning over the edge.  Dancing with Belle, literally cracking up with laughter, trying to learn the dance they showed us.   We finally just gave up, and I will admit, did a pretty good job just winging it, and our favorite was the little finger twirl part (we made that up, it was not part of the lesson).   Ruby giggling at Granddaddy as they also struggled with the dance lesson.  And Ruby grabbing my face as I grabbed her arm, just being silly with my silly little one.   

The picture person was late to the event.   Magan was stressed out that so much had been passed on to others.   Younger girls running across the dance floor.  The microphone and songs had lots of technical difficulties.   But in my mind, and shared with was the best Daddy Daughter Dance ever!   

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