Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Hadestown - One More Try

Our first trip downtown to see Hadestown was a bust, but it was also 1 month too early.   On this night, I had some stomach issues that challenged us a little, but after a dinner together with Davis and Ruby at Tizikis, me and the girls made our second trip downtown to see Hadestown.   The crowd was light again, but this time the show was on, and there apparently is always a light crowd on Tuesday nights.   Which also helped us bump our seats from the back row down to about 5 rows up on the mezzanine level.   Super nice seats, and the entire section other than about 30 seats were completely empty.   I took one picture below that shows what it was like at showtime...empty.   Bottom section was full and the middle sections were full, but left and right, wide open.   

It was a pretty cool show where the actors interacted a little with the audience, especially Hermes, who was our master of ceremonies telling us both the tale of Persephone and Hades, but primarily of Eurydice and Orpheus.   Orpheus had a song which was very very high...which has been repeated a few times at the house by me and Belle.   It was a beautiful song (not really, but in the story it was) with some high pitched notes sang by Orpheus.   But the end of Act 1 song "Wait for Me" was the kicker.   Not much for lyrics, but the chorus and full cast singing it was GREAT.   

Some of our favorites from the show was "Hey little Songbird" sung by Hades, an actor that truly sounded exactly like Hugh Jackman in Les Miserables.   I also liked "Why we build the wall" sung by Hades, and belle and I liked "The Wedding Song" that Orpheus wrote for Eurydice.   The show follows the Mythological story of their love.   And like a good story, provided an amazing tragic ending that I was happy I did not read early about, but let it hit me right in the chest.   It was not my favorite musical, but the story was great to watch, and I was smiling the whole time, so I would definately watch it again.  

The other cool thing about the show is the live jazz band that plays to get things started before each act, and even after the curtain call, stayed playing while everyone left.   We stayed to the end, giving a big cheer for the amazing band that played all of the songs through the night.   Magan and Belle picked on me for not having a silly face in the picture below...they said I just smiled big.   Oh well, I was happy all night.   I will always love these shows with Magan, but it is a joy to share them with the girls as well.  Belle also has her own Broadway Showtunes on Spotify.   A super fun night that I am glad finally happened.   We have our eyes on Beetlejuice and Les Miserables for the 2025 broadway season!

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