Monday, March 25, 2024

AHG PiPa Only Campout (Lake Guntersville)

Super proud of my Belle, this being her first 3 night campout, she later told me it felt like they were there forever.  I wish I could have joined her on this trip, but I had to be in Georgia that Sunday.   But she did great packing for the event.   I may have helped a little bit, but she did the meal plans, even tho I was the grubmaster collecting her list at Walmart.   The PiPa group went to Lake Guntersville, and while the temperatures only dropped to the 40s, the wind off the lake and the rain through the night, made the morning quite miserable.   She did say that her new tent held up well, with no really bad leaks (one drip at one of the seams that I will need to look at later).   

She attempted to boil some water for breakfast the next morning, but with the wind, she could not get the stove lit.   Mr. Jonathan did help get it started, which was good because he also needed the little stove after for his breakfast.   I heard the girls did well, but instead of complete misery in the chill of the morning, they went into town for lunch and a fun trip to the bookstore.   This is where Magan met Belle, as she drove up to the state park for the day.   

Back at the campsite a little after noon, the sun was up, and temperatures back to reasonable levels so they had no further excursions into the city.   While still a bit chilly, the girls learned to canoe together, waded in the lake, laid out and read books, and just soaked up the fun and relaxation.  The rest of the trip went by a little easier, they sang songs and had a campfire each night.   Ate hobo pouches and a big troop breakfast.   She rode home with Savannah and survived the weekend.   I am super proud of this girly girl that still likes to camp.   I did ask her for the funniest thing that happened, and apparently it involved a duck chasing her and Aviana while they were in the canoe.   I guess if you want to hear more, you will have to ask Anabelle about the duck.  And her paper plate award was for the "Best Fire Poker", because apparently she took care of the fire the whole weekend.  

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