Sunday, March 31, 2024

Another visit of the Easter Bunny at our house

There is still a little magic that happens around Easter.   The bunny visited our house again and shared many sweets and prizes.  I love the excitement and always a little afraid that it will not last.   This year was weird because our Sam was not home with us.   But he did send us an Easter selfie eating with his buds in Tuscaloosa.  Freddy's was our lunch of choice, but only after Hunan was closed.   I can't tell you what was going on with the lip pictures and crazy laughter, sometimes I just don't get it.   Ruby was up at 6AM, so that afternoon was naptime for me, but when I did wake up, I loved seeing Belle reading a new book and Davis putting together his new Mclaren lego set.   

I did find a copy of the bunny's clues this year.   It looked like it had some repeats, but there was a visit to the mailbox, and to the trash in Dad's van.   So...bunny took the girls all over the house for those prizes.   Even Davis went through the circuit to find his prizes.   Girls main prize was lulu lemon jackets, and Davis got a new 4 wheeler helmet.   And while the bunny did not visit Sam, Mom took some prizes and sweets to him.   

CLUE #1 – If I had some bread, but I wanted toast, this is the place in the kitchen that I would want most

CLUE #2 – Your dad may lay on this when he is lifting heavy weights

CLUE #3 – This clue can be found on a pile of plates, where you might pile a pile of paper plates

CLUE #4 – When your dad is at home, he works on this device (you may have to look under it)

CLUE #5 – You must sneak into your parents room for this next one.  I hid the clue in something really big you fill with water…and sometimes bubbles. 

CLUE #6 – When your dad goes to work, he is very messy, this is the place where he throws all his trash (hint:   it is black and has 4 wheels)

CLUE #7 – The next clue is in a room that you have not been in during this journey.  It is in a room that has seen more little babies than any other place in the house. And lots and lots of Pictures.

CLUE #8 – There are two of these now, where once there was just one.  They fill up with water daily.  The next clue is behind the bigger one

CLUE #9 – The next clue is where we would find the source of power for all of our toys (At least the ones that need AA and AAA)

CLUE #10 – Here is a place that gets really really hot, so you might need a mitt to get this next clue in the kitchen

CLUE #11 – In the Living Room, I banged my little fluffy leg on this new furniture.   My next clue is on one of the seats. 

CLUE #12 – The next clue is in a dangerous spot.   So be very careful when you go down the hill, because in this little box, you could also find a bill. 

CLUE #13 – Where we eat at the table there is a view, but you must lie underneath to find the next clue

CLUE #14 – Blueberry, Strawberry, sometimes frosted, sometimes not, the next clue is in a cabinet with a favorite breakfast food best eaten with butter

CLUE #15 – This next place is cold and holds many drinks, not the one up, it is down

CLUE #16 – I have to get moving along to other houses.   I hope you have had fun on this trip, and hope you like your prizes.   I hid the prizes in a place that is often wet and can cause a fog…but it is also a place where there is often a hair clog.  Can you find your prizes?

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