Friday, March 15, 2024

AHG Mother Daughter Breakout Event

 A breakout event for the girls, but from what I heard, one of the mommas (not Magan) was super excited about this event, and could not wait to solve all the clues.   Belle and Ruby's group did make it out in 52:18, only getting a clue every once and awhile.   The one momma was on the floor looking for clues at one time, and pulling clues away from the girls to solve things faster.   Haha, that breakout room just does something crazy to people.   

The theme of this room was Kidnapped, and this whole crew had been kidnapped, and had to find clues in a series of boxes to get out of the room.  Ruby's favorite part was getting to hit the buttons at the end to get out of the room.   Ruby and Jocelyn helped solved the numbers on some tubes with liquid for one problem.   And Belle had to solve a puzzle for one of the other problems.   It was fun for all, Magan just kept laughing about the other mom that was a little more into it than others.  

I liked the cool pictures they got in the crazy breakout background.   And it looks like their mother daughter event was capped off with some ice cream.   I don't think this is Magan's favorite, but the girls like it.   And Ruby is ready to go back because one of the other rooms is a "CLUE" theme with multiple rooms like the board game.   

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