Saturday, May 4, 2024

The 19th Star Wars Day for Sam

As you get older, birthdays just don't have the same excitement, and I think Sam learned that this year.   Home from school for the summer, we did get him a special cookie cake with NO ICING.   Yes, the lady at Winn Dixie verified twice with Magan...Are you sure?   NO ICING.   But that is Sam, while he has ventured into sauces on burgers and chicken, when it comes to the cookie cake, he still likes it plain.   Also as frugal as his dad, we went out fancy for his birthday, but limited it to Tazikis (not the Mt. Fuji that Magan kept subconsciously whispering into the wind).   

Afterwards, I don't remember what kept Davis and Magan away, but the rest of us took a visit to the zoo.   This was Sam's first visit with the new front (which is not very new anymore), and we did our normal tour.   As is fairly normal, my stomach was acting up a bit, but I think Sam enjoyed (and the girls enjoyed) having some time on their own around the zoo.  We rode the train, did not see any Rhinos pee, continued to hope we would see an elephant playing in the water as Disney's ones seem to always be doing, and commented on the smell of the Cat area.   One funny thing I think Belle heard and told me I had to capture.   It was very hot on this day, and it was noticed by everyone, especially one lady that we overheard saying "You know it is hot when the African animals stay inside".   

So anyway...Happy Birthday Sam!  You impress me every day with the man you are becoming.   Your patience and kindness with your brothers and sisters is appreciated.   When you cleaned the puke from Ruby's bed the other day, so I could get some sleep for work...well, that was over the top amazing.  Just keep in mind that when people come to the house, your mom is a little crazy and goes into Nazi mode...just watch your tone, keep your eyes low, and do what you are told...I try and do the same.   Thank you for finally teaching me how to serve in pickleball, even tho at the moment it has given me a slight edge in the games.  

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