Friday, August 30, 2024

A Typical Mom Morning

Each morning, as a mom, you wake up with an expectation for the how the day will go.  You have a plan and a morning routine to get the kids ready and out the door.  But the moment your foot hits the floor that plan already begins to change, and it happens pretty much every day.

This morning, I work up with a little relief knowing that, after a two week long work trip, Scott was back home and there would be hot coffee and a little help with the plan to get the kids ready and out the door.  His big job is watching for the bus.

My foot hit the floor and Ruby comes running in, she has a speech today for Student Council Representative and she’s lost her voice.  My plan changes from get some clothes on to, ah that can wait I’ll just go for it in a gown.  I walk into the living room and all the lights are off and I see Scott crawling off the couch. He fell back to sleep after he woke up to get ready this morning and proceeds to go get back into bed. I mean he’s been out of town and traveling for two weeks, he’s tired.  So that plan for a little help just went back to bed.

I run to the kitchen and while Ruby makes hot tea, I start digging for cold meds and lozenges. Everything is falling out of the cabinet because I have kids who are old enough to get their own medicine now and no one puts anything back where it goes. They take the bottle and throw it back in. 

As soon as I give her medicine, Belle comes running in with a big blue spot on her shirt saying I dropped Oxiclean! In my mind, that’s why she has it on her shirt, the story’s over.  I say you can probably get it off your shirt and walk past her to work on Ruby ‘s hair for her big speech. While I’m fixing her hair, Belle keeps saying I spilled the oxiclean and then runs to her room to change her shirt.

I finish Ruby ‘s hair trying to roll the front with a few curls while she yells, I have to go listen for the bus!  She runs out the bathroom and I am asking her what she wants for breakfast and she replies. It’s fine. I don’t need anything.  I walk to the kitchen to try and get waters ready while yelling toward the door at Ruby different breakfast items I can bring her.  I look over at the coffee pot thinking, I can’t wait for that cup of Scott’s coffee, it just tastes better.

Belle comes back down the hall, I spilled the oxiclean!  I now realize it’s not just on her shirt it is all over 8 foldable cloth bins and all behind the dryer… so much oxiclean.  Now I’m digging for my Grabit so I can drop a towel behind the machine and try to clean it and pop out 8 bins to hang up to dry.

Next I check Davis’ rash on his back and they head out early for Friday breakfast.  I head to the kitchen for the hot cup of coffee because the plan to get the kids ready and out the door has been successfully achieved…..and the coffee in the pot is from yesterday.  The plan changed again and now I sit writing down the typical mom morning while I wait for coffee to brew and Scott has decided to get up and shower.

Never a dull moment and I’m sure one day I’ll have hot coffee waiting and no one yelling at me  about oxiclean, but for now I just had a successful morning getting the kids ready and out the door to school.  We’ll do it all again in a similar version tomorrow.

(Above was written by the mom, and I have but one note to add...The coffee was pretty good when I got out of the shower).   

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