Saturday, August 10, 2024

Eagle Project Work Days

We are almost at the end of this long scouting tunnel, and while it has been some great times, I am feeling, and seeing in Davis, that it is time to get things wrapped up and moving forward with the next adventure.   He has completed all the required merit badges, and the required recommendation letters are coming in.   The only thing left is finishing an Eagle Project.   Davis selected to help Grace Klein like Sam did, and from the list they sent him, decided to make some benches for them, and put together a Little Library for their "House on the Hill" location.   This will be nice, as Sam's trail is at the backyard of that home, so both of their Eagle Projects will be at the same location.   

And it was a joy as a dad to see Davis and Sam plan a work day basically on their own, and drive up to Granddads on a day before school started to knock out the project.   While I cringe and periodically pee a little into my pants when power tools get near me, the boys don't have that same fear.   They were taught well by their Granddad and other men in our congregation to do this type of work with wood, and basically put together the three benches on their own, with a little help from Wyatt.   

For the more complex Little Library, they had Granddad to help with some design and of course any and every tool they needed.   While the project was not complete on that day, Davis and I drove up the following Saturday to finish the Little Library.   And after a morning of unsuccessful collection of the RV from Priceville, we finally got started that afternoon.   Again, I just tried to stay out of the way, but Davis was kind enough to take my picture to show that I contributed.   

So where are we now?   The benches have been delivered to Grace Klein.  Scout Workday is scheduled for 9/28 to install the Little Library, and then Davis will be done.   He will sit for one final Board of Review, and given a few answers about his experiences, will be given the left handed shake into a relatively small group of Eagle Scouts.   Until that time, he has painted and waterproofed the library, we have the plaque coming in the mail, and he continues to help the younger scouts at the weekly meetings.  I recently had to write a letter of recommendation for him to reach the highest rank of Eagle, and I will share a few of those words.

"I have been with Davis 3 miles deep into a cave, I have been with Davis for 20 miles on a canoe, and I have sat around a fire with Davis as the temperature dropped into the teens.   Cheerful is difficult in all of these situations, but I did not hear him complain.   Bravery is difficult to maintain in all of these situations, but he was always up front in a crowd of boys leading the way forward.   When those temperatures were in the teens, he volunteered to take the KP duty washing our dishes in ice cold water.   This attitude of service is just a part of who he is, always looking to help others around him. 

Davis has been a great example of a loyal and trustworthy person.   Not only a scout that the leaders could count on, but also one that all of the boys knew they could count on.   I am confident that Davis possesses the necessary skills, qualities, and values to successfully complete the requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout.   He has shown a deep commitment to the ideals of scouting and exemplifies the scout oath and law in his daily life.  

I am excited to recommend my boy Davis for the rank of Eagle Scout.   I have no doubt that he will continue to make a positive impact on his community."  


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