Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mentor Games

This was the 5th Annual Mentor Games hosted again this year by the Kolbs.   And this role of the Head Gamemaker returned to me after a 2 year gap.   It was another really great year, Anabelle was paired up with Jane Nesbitt, and Davis with Eric Kolb.  And for the mentor games, we actually had 10 full pairs of mentor/mentees.   All game together to compete to be champion and take home the coveted Bowling Pin trophy.   Davis has won this I think 3 of the 4 years, and was looking to take it home again.  

The games went really well this year, and we started with a Question and Answer sheet to see how well each of the groups knew one another.   Somewhat of a Newlywed game approach was my intent, but since I told them about this before we ate and began the games, it was great to see them all teaming up with their mentors and probably learning more in 30 minutes than many of them had learned all year.   haha.   

After that, we began a series of competitions, where I really tried to help shift the point balance to the girls there, but for some reason, the boys always score highest at this event.   So we began with making Paper Airplanes (ok, this was biased to the boys), then rolling dice (which is always good with church friends), then a water bottle challenge (where one person had to drink half the bottle, then the other do a perfect flip, then the same person finish the bottle), followed by a Bible Drill for the mentors then the mentees, and ended with a game to see who had items in their "Pocket, Purse or Belongings".   

Random memories and notes of these events...all little girls need to practice making a paper airplane, and dads apparently have failed teaching this skill to their daughters...Davis won the airplane event...Huge shouts from usually quiet Linley as her and Amanda won the dice game...Deep roars from Davis and Eric as they won the water bottle challenge...Cash and Clara charging at me with chapstick from their pockets...Cash taking the prize for fastest in the bible drill...Me asking for mascara thinking that all girls keep that in their purse, really because I have no idea what mascara is, so I quickly changed to lipstick...and the dark horse that did not win the event, but consistently scored points, Grant Dabbs in his first year of these games took home the trophy with his mentor John Dean!

And this night would not have gone nearly as well as it did without my sidekick and scorekeeper Ruby.   She helped me keep up with all the points, and when I needed the totals at the end, Jarod Speer went to help her with a calculator, and a tear nearly came to my eyes when she looked up at Dr. Speer and said "No, I got it".   She really did awesome, and I am glad magan captured one image of our duo below.   Games are over, but I am already prepping for the new year of mentors.   


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