Monday, August 19, 2024

Back to Tuscaloosa

All of one's belongings fit into a Honda Civic and a Honda Odyssey, and those are the days of the college nomad.   We loved our summer with Sammy (I don't think I ever use this, but it is a favorite name that Belle and Mom use).   But it was finally time to drive him over to Tuscaloosa to his new apartment.   I don't think this took near as long as the dorm room, and thankfully Brendan already had all the stuff for the living room.  My van was packed with the bed and some other odds and ends, and I think Belle had a show choir event, so we fit well into our two vehicles.

Their apartment is pretty nice, with three bedrooms along a long hallway, with a living room, small kitchen and small dining area.   Seems to be in a good area.   While we were unloading Sam, both of his roommates, Joe and Brendan were there.   And after finishing the roommates were able to join us at a local Italian place that Ashley Rawls told us about.   I think all of us enjoyed the pasta dishes, but the best was the bread pudding at that place.   

It was still hard to let him go, but I must admit, not nearly as hard as it was last year.   Before we dropped him back at his apartment, he showed us his local coffee hangout spot where he studies sometimes and has a bible study during the week.   Random comment is that the Heritage special was a pretty amazing drink similar to a Caramel Macchiato, but with hints of cinnamon.   And while Belley was not with us, she did get a hug from her brother before he left.   Oh, and Ruby lost a tooth on the way home.  


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