Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Davis turns 18

From Magan's Facebook post "Somehow my baby boy woke up officially 18 years old today. When he came out of his room today I couldn’t help but think about all the wonderful years we’ve had with him coming out of that same room. I spent the morning watching his little face growing up through his birthday pics and videos….We love you so much Davis Junkin! Happy Birthday!"

It was a little strange, as the birthdays get bigger, knowing what to get people gets harder.   I found him the Alabama hat, but Magan found all the rest.   Amazingly, he was up and ready when I opened his door that morning.   Belle did all of his streamers, and did a great job.   I think it was a good day for him, but we still have not made it to King Buffet for his birthday dinner.   And I think he may still have some extra presents.   Magan's got videos of him walking out to streamers since he was about 10 years old.   Happy birthday, buddy.   Love you, and can't wait to see all you do.  

Saturday, February 15, 2025

One more tumble in Tumbling Rock

This trip through tumbling rock was originally scheduled for December, but it was a bad week, and many could not make it.   So we rescheduled for February, and initially had a larger group of boys, but it ended up being only about 14 boys and 4 dads.   This was Davis' first chance to lead beyond the Christmas Tree, and he had the majority of the boys with him.   One dad, John Morrow, went with him to take up the rear.   Davis apparently was moving quick, as he passed a group a scouts that went in way before our group, then Mr, John just stopped at the topless dome to wait for us.   

My crew was in the back, as we had 3 new boys who had never been in the cave, and including me 3 old men dads.  We were much slower and had to take more breaks than that first crew.   Then I came to the dreaded place right after the handwall, where I had talked myself into requiring a hard right.   I took a hard right, and started into a tunnel that quickly came to a dead end.   I immediately told the rest of the crew to hang back and stay in one place till I found the right way.   I then found a large opening that had to be the right way, until one of the other dads said, No, that is how we came in.   Ugh, how embarrassing.   So I sat down and opened up my maps, which is basically an admission that you don't know the way forward.   You can get lost in this cave, but should not because it is a one way in one way out, so at the very worst, we had come as far as we could go on this day.   But then we heard voices, and a small group of younger guys came by and were also heading to topless dome, so we followed them directly ahead to a large opening that I still have no idea how I missed.   After that, I had no more mishaps on our way to the dome.  

I was really proud of this group of 3 boys, as they did not complain a bit.   All climbed hard and were careful when needed.   They were loud and goofy as young scouts are, but in general well behaved, and I did not have to help any that froze up.   Which was weird on this trip, as it was the first time I had to actually email a parent and say "Your child does not need to go in that cave again" after some very difficult times helping that boy through the cave.   It is a neat cave, and fairly easy to navigate, but can be dangerous, and freezing up in some areas just causes everyone to put themselves in a bad position.   But these three were great.   

At the dome, we visited tumbling rock, then sat at the waterfall area waiting for Davis group to get back.   I could tell that me and John were both a little anxious for those boys to get back.   As we really couldn't go back till we knew they were safe and back to us.   And we really did not know the way forward either.   But after about 45 minutes while we ate our lunch, we heard voices and all of our boys come back to join us.   For most of us, we climbed up into the waterfall area to get to the topless dome.   Davis was the main guy helping everyone up into the hole, and everyone near that hole got very very wet.   This was as wet as it was last time, which makes this area not nearly as fun.   So me and Davis took a quick picture then headed back down.   

At this point, Davis led a group of 6 back to the front of the cave, and I picked up one of Davis group that said, I don't want to go as fast at that group.   And Mr. John joined up with us as well.   Davis and his group quickly left us and we figured we would see them outside the cave.   But just after the saltmines, hahahaha, I cracked up laughing when I walked right into Davis' group.   He had gotten completely turned around and was going deeper into the cave when he ran into us.   He laughed and realized where he messed up, and once again, they left our slow and steady group.   I made it back to the area I got so lost in on the way in, and still don't know how I missed such a large opening.   

And then I was out of the cave and talking to Davis about how their trip out went.   We sat and talked for about 5 minutes when Davis asked "Where is your group?"   Ahhhhh, hahaha, They were right behind me, but apparently they did not make that last right needed to exit the cave.   Davis still had all his gear on and went back in to lead them the last 50 yards out of the cave.  So of course the dads picked on me for "Leave no man behind".   

This was Davis' last official adventure as a Boy Scout.   His 9th time in the cave to my 10th.   We got the traditional dirty cave picture after we finally got everyone else out.   Took our time trying to get dressed into dry clothes, as there are only two rooms and many many boys.   We rode with the troop and enjoyed some pizza buffet.   Davis goofing around with the guys, now being the old guy in the group.   They all loved getting to explore a bit this time, and Davis was learning to lead deeper in the cave.   The new senior patrol leader John Lacey and assistant senior patrol leader Chase Morrow were both there, and I know that Davis is leaving the troop in good hands with those boys.   

I wrote the following in the cave on my phone waiting for Davis group to make it back to us.   Frustrated at needing help and getting directions, I am hoping I can look back at this post to help me next time.   

  • Enter in and take initial left
  • Follow the path to the Butt Break Slide
  • Follow the path to the Dragon Hole (mark hole once thru)
  • Slide far right and cross over creek to walk through saltpeter area
  • Exit path through the small hole, pass the small full formation, and stay high to the Elephant's Foot
  • Path breaks to a muddy left, and a dry right.   Look for the large hole that gets you to the lower right side
  • Stay with the river, and you may see the hand wall.   Just after hand wall, you cross creek up small hill and stay straightish left (NOT HARD RIGHT, NOT LEFT)
  • At the end of this same room, you will turn right and climb up Wildcat Rock Pile
  • Stop Here to visit the Wildcat Pit and Rest
  • Climb down and to the large hole to the right
  • Continue forward to the Spiderman wall climb
  • Continue forward and follow river to the dead end
  • Climb UP and RIGHT to the top after the dead end
  • This leads to another set of salt mines, and ends with a climb down and to the right
  • Choice of walking along the river OR dry to the right to find the hole
  • Once you climb up from the river or up through the hole, you walk forward to Topless Dome
  • Past Topless dome, Stay Right and go up and over to the Christmas Tree
  • Tumbling Rock is down and to the right
Past this point, I need Davis and Sam to add additional points back to Allen's Alley and Mount Olympus.  

Saturday, February 1, 2025

My Day with Dave

I keep telling Davis I don't know what I am going to do when both he and Sam are gone this Fall.   We have had lots of fun "Dad and Davis" days, and this was a great one that started in Columbiana for a 5K.   It actually began even earlier dropping belle off for the bus to go to a showchoir competition, but then Davis and I got ready for our run.   He has actually been running a bit more, working out a lot more, and in much better shape than his dear old dad.   We ran into Claire and Amanda from church, so this 5K had Chelsea represented well.   

Davis ran at about a 9 minute mile pace, and I was way back at a 12 minute mile pace.   The most embarrassing thing was similar to the very first race I was ever in...I was lapped by the winner.   The 10K runner finished the race blowing right by me before the finish line.   I found a picture of us both close to the finish line, haha.   Oh well, I have not actually run since this 5K the previous year, so seems correct that I would not be improving much.   We ate some oranges and made our way to Jacks to eat some better post race food like biscuits and gravy.   Davis told me that he was trying to keep up with Joel Dixon (Joel coordinates this event and attends at Wilsonville, so it is usually well attended by the church crowd), so when Joel passed him, he started running to keep up with him, and looked up to see Joel way ahead of him.   

We went home to rest for a bit.   Well I slept and rested.   This was the day Davis found the water leak into MeeMaw, so he worked on finding where the leak was coming from.   But after "our" rest, we hopped in the van to go to the World of Wheels.   Both of us glad we didn't drive the truck trying to get thru the tiny parking garage at the BJCC.   Davis had us both some free tickets that were left over from the CTEC event, so he had gotten to visit the show the day before.   I don't know if this is a show I would like by myself, but with someone that loves cars and can tell you all about them, it makes it much more enjoyable (Magan...).   Davis had purchased a Southern Sipper mug the day before where you pay $10 for the mug, but then for the life of World of Wheels, you can bring it back for $1 refills.   We got a $1 refill.   

We ran into Makayla Nichols and her grandparents at the event.   And we also saw Davis' good friend Logan that was being rolled around in a wheelchair by his girlfriend.   He recently had knee surgery.   Davis taught me a little about air intake, the movement of the corvette's engine to the back of the vehicle, and all about his favorite McLarens.  We had to stop and get our fix of Hot Sweet Nuts.   I don't think that is the name, but for guys, that will always at least cause a chuckle.   We saw a $1 Million dollar Lamborghini.   And then we went home, stopping at ChickFilA for another guy meal together.  I talked to him alot that day about how much I was going to miss him being around.   It is weird, I have always tried my best to make special individual time with all of the kids, but since Sam has left, I have gotten to know Davis a little bit better.  Gotten to have a little more one on one time with him.   And slowly realizing that this fall is going to be just as hard as it was 2 years ago.   Love you Dave.   This was a really fun day.    

Friday, January 31, 2025

Beginning the New Year

Noel was over to the house as we began 2025, and was there to witness Ruby gagging on chicken soup that evening.   Sorry Ruby, glad you are alive, but that night you sounded kind of like Oreo coughing up a hair ball.   Sam and Noel also woke up on January 1 to be at the top of King's Chair, so she is kind of special, and they are sweet together.   Glad to have her at the house on New Years, where we had our traditional greens, ham, and peas.  

Davis decided to go fishing during one of the snow days, and did not even think that when he got his truck down to the lake that the snow turns to water which makes the dirt muddy, which makes a large hill to get out of the lake area difficult and slippery.   He called me after making a couple of attempts to get it out, then I drove over and also had similar failures.   We then called Mr. Flynn because he has four wheel drive, and a neighbor.   I did realize as he said "Sure buddy, I'll be right over" that I had called an 85 year old man to help us get out of the mud, but Mr. Flynn is like superman, and will always be a superman to me.   Once he arrived, Davis and I got to see superman in action.   He looked at Davis' truck, spit out a bit of tobacco, and asked if we had tried to drive it out yet.   We told him we both had, and he said "Well, I am going to try myself".   Then backed up to a hill before the one to slippery to leave, he slammed on the gas going down the hill, then flew up the next faster than me or davis even dared, sliding just slightly at the top but then after a quick bump back up onto the road, he handed us the key and said, "Is that all you need".   Yes sir Mr. Flynn.  So from pulling a tick off of Sam's testicles to pulling Davis' truck out of the mud, that guy can do it all.   He got back into his truck, probably because his cape was in the washer, and drove out of sight toothpick slightly bouncing from his lip as he passed out of sight.   

From Magan's facebook post:  This Chelsea Robotics team of two did the work of a whole team all by their selves and surprised us all by making it to the Semi-Finals today at their tournament!  They made it farther than they ever have before.   Team Droids on Roids! Big thanks to Casey Wilson for driving the whole team to the tournament.   Davis and his friend Ava have been the full team for the last two years, and the judges were surprised they even had a bot since they only meet once per week, while others at this competition have a class each day devoted to robotics.   Their robotics sponsor this year is Mr. Cooley, husband of Ruby's 5th grade teacher.   She told us he had told her that he would be home early on this competition day, but had to call her and say he would be late because his team kept winning!

What else happened this first month of 2025...We met Sam, Noel, and many of his friends from Alabama at Milos before a singing at Vestavia...Magan and I did our last tag team career day presentation for Ruby's 5th grade class.   I sprinkled in some magic after an overly enthusiastic nuclear discussion.   Magan had them all laughing with the whoopie cushion when they were not distracted by her fun pictures rotating thru on her website...Secret Santa at church went well this year, but Magan's secret santa was known pretty early when Mrs Jannette brought Magan a present from Sherry Pouncey, and said this is from Sherry...Janette Gerald's 80th birthday party...Davis and Mom continuing to make fun of my #2 position that my seat shifts to when I drive.   I like to be forward and raised up for a nice and easy 10 and 2.   Whereas they both like to be laid back Hispanic rap style.   Davis and Magan tell horror stories of thinking they are going to be crushed when they get in the seat and it mistakenly goes to the 2 position because they have my key...More AHG awards, and on this day, perfectly placed Ruby next to Belle...Magan's finger continuing to heal...I hit a deer in the black van...Davis and I visited 16th street baptist church for a YLDP meeting (Davis, remember all the questions at the end...dear me)...  

I took a day trip to Nashville with Brandon Rawls to pick up our newest vehicle, a 2005 Chevy Impala, that the kids have since named MeeMaw.   Davis has already been hard at work on it getting it ready for Belle.   He replaced the thermostat, repaired a leak into the cabin air filter, replaced the speakers, replaced the fuse to the power port in the front of the car, and repaired the turning signal light relay.   Davis put some elbow grease into cleaning it up really nice, and it looks good.   He loves driving it for now not having to do 4 point turns everytime he has to park like he does for his big truck.   Brandon knocked a bit off the price since I saved him a delivery fee, and he picked up a wrecked rav 4 while we were up in Nashville.   It was a long day, and the money was fine, but a day hanging out with my best friend Brandon, I would have done it for free.   

My new friend at church, Dave Holley, is a fire fighter that actually helps put out large forest fires.   On one day, when they were clearing some lots on the road one street over from our house, I sent him a joking text "Hey man, my neighbors are burning brush and sending ash on my cars and making my neighborhood smell.   Is there something you could do and put a stop to this? :) Have a good weekend man!"   This is my normal joking manner that I write, and I found out later that this was not received as I had intended.   As probably 10 minutes later Ruby and I saw a firetruck pass our home and then pass by again.   Thinking to myself that maybe they were just testing a response time, I got back to my phone for a response from Dave "Let me think about this...I phoned a friend who has worked with the Alabama Forestry Commission for a couple decades, and he said the only thing you can do is grab a water hose and wash off the ashes (See my buddy Dave also has a sense of humor, but then he followed it up with).   For a second opinion, I called the Chelsea Fire Department, and they said if the smoke is causing negative impacts and is within 500 feet of adjacent houses, there may be something I can do.   I gave him your address and they are going to send a truck to sniff out the situation".   Hahaha, talking to Dave later, he thought I was just being a baby about it, but figured he could actually check into it.   I quickly told him I was completely joking, and we both started cracking up, and have since cracked up trying to tell this story to others at church.   Quite embarrassing that I did not check my phone quicker, but I think both me and Dave have a clearer understand of each others humor now!   

Playing games of Azul continued into this year, and while Ruby originally loved playing, she now grudgingly complies with Magan's requests because me and Magan "fight" the whole time.   Hahaha, Magan gets on to me for playing against her, and I get on to her for not taking the tiles that I think she should have taken, and Momma Ruby just rolls her eyes and keeps beating both of us while we bicker at one another.   Sorry Ru, I know this was your Christmas gift and mom and I have stolen the fun from it.  

And lastly, a fun little trip to Gordo for a wedding.   We were excited to be there with mawmaw and Tera, but at the last minute, Mawmaw had a bad cough and could not go.   But we were planning to go anyway.   Belle had a showchoir competition, and Davis just didn't want to go to a wedding, so it was me, Magan and Ru on this trip.   It was a beautiful wedding outdoors (Glad we brought our jackets).   It was the second daughter of my cousin Nancy, and I am finding that I am really at the edges of continuing to attend this level of family events.   But I certainly enjoy talking with Ralph Jr and his wife.   We got to speak with Jessica and see her pretty baby.   We heard Seth singing some amazing songs during the wedding with a crazy awesome falsetto.   So there is some talent over there in Gordo.  And we got to chat with my cousin Lisa and ask about Aunt Mary Helen.  And I guess while these family connections are a bit stretched, and become thinner and thinner throughout the years, they are the link to my dad and my granddad that I try to cling on to.   Ralph told us of an amazing game of chicken between Aunt Tera and Nancy that left Nancy banged and bruised after she was the Chicken.   There is always tales of fighting between my dad and Aunt Tanya, that make me wish for more time with my older bearded cousin that once took me riding horses across a many many acres on the farm.  I see these slightly familiar faces, and just like the one that now looks at me from the mirror, it is strange to see we have become the next generation.  I had a nice chat with my Aunt Judy's sister, and got to hear a little about her meeting her husband, and a little about her sister meeting my Uncle Ralph.   And so I keep writing these things.   Hoping that I have captured all the funny "Chicken" stories so that they are only a quick word search away for this next generation to come.