Saturday, March 8, 2014

DisneyWorld Day 1 - The Drive Down

Packed to the gills...I don't really ever say that, but we really had no more room.  Finally able to leave our house around 7 on a Saturday morning, plenty of movies for the ride.  Kids did really well, and we surprised them with where we where staying...The Contemporary Resort.  Magan got a good video of their reaction as we pulled past Magic Kingdom parking and headed towards our hotel...They were super excited.  But me, very excited, but don't do well with hotels I am not supposed to be in that put me out of my comfort zone.  If that hotel has bellboys and valets...out of my comfort zone.  We finally made it up to the room after a long time getting checked in, parking the car, then figuring out how to get to our room.  Room 4109...Which of course is on the 5th Floor...make sense?  

Out of our window, we had a view of  Bay Lake, and ... our swimming pool, so out we went into the 60 degree night to go swimming.  It was OK, and the pool was heated, but we quickly found the hot tub, and stayed there.  The boys loved the water slide, which I tried also on a later night...pretty awesome!  Out of the pool and after a quick shower, we ran down to the 4th floor main area and watched the fireworks over the Magic Kingdom.  So cool.  

I remember sitting on the monorail when I was a kid speeding through this hotel looking out onto the main lobby of this hotel.  The cast members waved at the monorail going by, and I knew they were waving at me.  How cool would it be to one day stay in this hotel, and ride the monorail every day.  At this point in my monologue, if you listen close you will hear "When you wish upon a Star".  Wait for it...still playing.... "...come to you".  Ok, this was always my dream vacation to stay at the Contemporary, and the fun had just begun.  All for the kids, remember.  :)

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